According to the inspection work arrangement of Qingyuan Municipal Party Committee, on October 18, the sixth inspection group of the Municipal Party Committee gave feedback to the Municipal Council for the Promotion of International Trade。Wei Shibiao, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, member of the leading group of the Municipal Party Committee inspection work, director of the Municipal Party Committee inspection Office, conveyed the spirit of the speech of the Party Committee Secretary Yin Zhaoju when listening to the third round of the eighth Municipal Party Committee inspection report, and put forward requirements for the inspection and rectification work。Ouyang Yuhua, leader of the sixth inspection group of the Municipal Committee for the Promotion of International Trade, respectively, to the party branch secretary of the municipal Council for the Promotion of International Trade, President He Jiubin and the leadership of the meeting feedback on the inspection situation。He Jiubin chaired the feedback meeting and made a statement。


     Wei Shibiao stressed,一要深入学习习近平总书记关于巡视工作的重要论述,Deeply understand the significance of inspection and rectification,Strengthen the mission awareness and political responsibility of inspection and rectification,Continuously enhance the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of inspection and rectification,We will take the inspection and rectification as a process to deepen the Party's self-revolution and implement the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party,To promote reform, construction and treatment by patrolling。Second, we must resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of running the Party,Thoroughly implement the arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the Opinions of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening Inspection, Rectification and Application of Results,The municipal Council for the Promotion of International Trade should strengthen the main responsibility of rectification,Comprehensively promote the implementation of rectification tasks,Relevant units should perform their respective duties to strengthen rectification supervision and inspection,We will take practical and effective measures to promote real reform。Third, focus on the problem and strengthen the rectification and application of results,The municipal Council for the Promotion of International Trade should take the inspection and rectification as an important starting point to manage the party, improve the work and build a strong team,Combined with functions and responsibilities, we will conduct inspections and rectification,To rectify a problem, plug a number of loopholes, improve a set of systems,We will deepen and expand the effectiveness of rectification,Promote the implementation of the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee, provincial Party committees and municipal committees,To promote the high-quality development of all work with solid results。

     Ouyang Yuhua pointed out,市贸促会坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,We will implement the principles of the 19th and 20th National Congresses of the Party,Focus on the central task and serve the overall situation,Unite and lead the cadres and workers of the plenary session,Conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the provincial Party committee and the provincial government, the municipal Party committee and the Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade,The role of a bridge between the government and enterprises,Some achievements have been made in foreign exchanges and service to enterprises。The inspection also found some problems,Mainly: the implementation of the Party's theory, line, principles and policies and the central decision-making and deployment of deep understanding is not thorough,Theory is not closely related to practice;Not strong sense of initiative,There is a gap in the implementation of the main responsibility and main business;The ideological work responsibility system is not fully implemented;Confidentiality and United front work have not been put in place;Financial management is not strictly controlled,Irregular reimbursement;Weakening of the Party's leading role;The work of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party has not been fully implemented;There are shortcomings and weaknesses in the selection and employment work。

     Ouyang Yuhua put forward four rectification suggestions: first, further improve the political position, promote the high-quality development of trade promotion work, second, strengthen the sense of responsibility as a work, comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of work, and third, fully implement the Party's organizational line in the new era and strengthen the construction of Party organizations。The fourth is to consolidate the "two responsibilities" and fully implement the work of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party。

     He Jiubin said,In response to the feedback of the inspection,The Municipal Council for the Promotion of International Trade will sincerely accept,Accept everything as ordered,Make every effort to rectify,Ensuring effectiveness;And on behalf of the municipal Council for the Promotion of International Trade leadership and all cadres solemnly stated: first, the unity of thought and understanding,Improve the political consciousness of rectification work;Second, we have persevered in implementing reforms,Ensure accurate implementation of corrective measures;Third, we will strengthen the application of results,To improve the quality and efficiency of work through problem rectification。The leading team of the Municipal Council for the Promotion of International Trade will adhere to the implementation of the main responsibility of the work, take the initiative to act, consciously accept supervision, effectively transform the inspection and rectification into an important driving force for improving the style of work, promoting work and promoting development, and promote the high-quality development of trade promotion with practical actions。

     The sixth inspection group of the Municipal Party Committee, the inspection office of the Municipal Party Committee, the supervision committee of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection dispatched the fifth inspection and supervision group and the relevant comrades of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, and members of the Municipal Council for the Promotion of International Trade attended the meeting。Municipal Council for the Promotion of International Trade on duty cadres attended the meeting。


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Copyright: Qingyuan City Committee of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Address: Room 1309, Qingyuan Building, Luming Road, Qingcheng District, Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province

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